“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”
Romans 8:28

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

I was told by my doctor that I might gain weight while on prednisone. I personally did not gain weight because I was doing swimming every day for exercise and I also cut down on all sugar.
The disorder did get to my hands. My feet and hands both swelled up. Now I have arthritis in them with limited motion and I cannot make a complete fist.
As far as exercises go my physical therapist gave me some to do, mainly carefully stretching the stiff joints. I do get stiff a lot and am not all that flexible. I get tired out easily and really only ache where I have arthritis.
I had to stay off my feet cause when arches fell. Now I wear arch supports and am actually able to be on my feet more. I even tried running, but I got shinsplints from not running for 4 years. So maybe I'll gradually try running again. Swimming has been a great exercise for me.


Betsy said...

Hi Joanna -

I'm from Warroad and was a friend of Jemima's. My husband and I actually live in Rochester where he does research at Mayo in the endocrine department. If you're ever down this way again and need a place to stay or need anything at all, please let us know. We'd love to have you (as well as your family) here.

Anyway, just wanted to say hi. You have such a great attitude about your illness. Thank you for that. I'm sure you're an inspiration to many.

- Betsy Cradic (formerly Blanshan)

Anonymous said...

Ugh, I am not a fan of steroids... I had to take it for a few years for the treatment of Crohn's disease. I unfortunately, DID gain quite a bit of weight.

Happily, 3 years ago I stopped eating meat, and I was able to be weaned off the prednisone. I was put on an immunosuppressant (humira), which worked great, but also had side effects. (like, uh, increased susceptibility to infection...), but early this year I also cut out dairy and eggs, and now I am off medication!

I'm glad you haven't had adverse reactions to the medication, and I hope that it's helping! Swimming is such great exercise. So easy on the joints, you feel weightless, and you're not covered in sweat! (i really don't like to sweat...)

You may want to talk to your doctor about taking yucca capsules. yucca contains a chemical that is very similar to corticosteroids, but don't cause side effects. many people find that yucca works as well as, or sometimes better, than steroids.

Also, have you tried yoga? It's so great for stretching and increasing flexibility, and it's very easy to do simple yoga poses at home. I do a 20-minute "wake up" yoga routine every morning, and it really helps my back.

take care!


Anonymous said...

I am wondering if you have tried heating pad or something like it because i think it might help you?
Hope is everything is well with your family :)
God Bless!


Unknown said...

wooow I have the same thing (eosinophilic fascitis) and i can hardly walk and the sad part is i have a 5 yr old ,reading your blog almost had me in tears because I know the pain I go throw as a 34 yr old woman and your 16>>so young.I started with steroids and i hate it dearly plus gain 10 pounds already..but was moving around a lil better but stop taking it for a while and got sick again ankles are swollen up and sleep all the time my legs are black and the pain in hands and arms fingers,toes, almost everywhere hurts, I pray for you, As you do the same .killahkam64@gmail.com u give me hope stay stong...god bless us...